the constitution is obsolete.

The United States Constitution has run its course. In fact, it ran its course a long time ago. Ever since its inception the Constitution has served to oppress the very people it’s supposedly meant to protect. To be clear, this document was never intended to grant rights, as no piece of parchment can do that. Its intention was rather to protect the citizens’ rights from government infringement. And at that it’s done a mediocre job, at best.
The long litany of abuses are not limited to the Patriot Act, the NDAA, free speech zones, presidential kill lists, gun regulations, border patrol checkpoints, and NSA spying. That the list goes on all but screams how much regard the U.S. government has for the document to which it owes its existence. Of course, many Americans are well aware of these abuses and are rightfully enraged. Countless among us are actively working to restore, if not establish, fundamental principles widely considered paramount.
However, given the physical and financial slavery made legal by the Thirteenth and Sixteenth Amendments, respectively. Given the outdated nature of a loosely crafted contract between American plutocrats generations past. Given the repeated and increasingly egregious violations by the very same people sworn to uphold it. Given its uselessness at improving working class quality of life. Given that The People have never been so fortunate as to have a document protect us from tyranny. Given that the only freedoms ever enjoyed by humanity are those for which The People are willing to fight and die...
It’s past time for proletarians in America to divorce ourselves from the concept of constitutional authority.