NFL, Domestic Violence & the Non-Aggression Principle

The idea asserting that it is immoral to initiate the use of force against another human being. That's the Non-Aggression Principle in a nutshell. Though this is a concept our species is very familiar with - most of us having been raised with instructions to keep your hands to yourself - recent events suggest that this notion seems lost on far too many people.
With Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson weathering the consequences of spousal abuse and child abuse, respectively, the 2014 NFL season has not only brought us the return of professional football - but also an overdue discussion on domestic violence.
To initiate force against another human being is immoral. There's no exception to be made when "another other human being" is one's lover or one's child. Violence inflicted upon one's partner is pretty widely condemned, rightfully seen for the abuse that it is. Whereas violence inflicted upon one's biological prisoner is very widely accepted, even encouraged and is usually misrepresented as good discipline. This poses a problem within a problem. Verbal and physical assault may please the punisher, but there are other, more effective methods of corrective training - methods that don't hinder the development of peaceful individuals.
While we can hardly expect football players, gladiators, men whose careers are rife with violence to lead the way in correcting this problem - the beautiful thing is that there's no leadership required. Each of us, in our daily lives, can stamp out domestic violence by simply respecting the Non-Aggression Principle – as we already do when dealing with most people we encounter on a daily basis. By extending the deference we show to complete strangers, as well, to our spouses and offspring, we help foster an atmosphere of peace. And future generations shall look upon us with gratitude for our efforts.