Nonviolence Is Fine (as long as it works)

I think nonviolence is fine
As long as it works.
Because we should only implement
What is effective.
So, more than just fine
Nonviolence is the way,
Insofar as it helps us
achieve our objectives.
And it does just that in many cases;
A boycott can change corporate policy
Just as a strike can increase wages.
So nonviolence is fine
as long as it works.
But when the police show up,
it does not.
Just watch the response of nonviolence
as soon as the first can of tear gas is shot.
When that pepper spray comes out,
Them batons get to swinging,
And human blood is spilled
tryna shame these pigs
by taking a nonviolent beating.
Ask yourself why the powers-that-shouldn’t-be
try to pacify us with nonviolence.
Of course, they’d rather
We not resist at all,
And just accept their bullshit
In silence.
That’s not an option.
So as long as it works,
nonviolence is fine.
But when it does not
then what do we do?
Another march? More protests?
Or do we flock to the voting booth?
And when we vote,
how do we cast our ballot?
For some full-of-shit politician?
Or can we referendum this situation,
And have the vote reflect our decisions?!
So is it fine?
Only if it works.
And I think the discussion must be had.
What is violence? What is its function?
Is it inherently good or bad?
Of course it's bad
because people get hurt,
and no sane human being wants that.
But what about he who uses violence
to defend his home against an attack?
What if the attacker is a foreign army
that has come to kill her and her neighbors?
Does she sit in silence or should she use violence
to destroy those who would enslave her?
And what if that army is not so foreign,
But instead was sent by one’s own government,
I’ll tell you this, your will to resist
Is what will guarantee your right to exist.
I had to explain this,
to a fellow proletarian
who foolishly thanked me for my service.
And I say foolish because
To make a statement like that,
One has to be rather clueless.
It is not a soldier or a cop,
Or anyone else that makes us free.
It is only the person-looking-in-the-mirror’s
Willingness to bleed.
But you’re afraid to bleed;
peace to Brother Malcolm.