The REAL History of Hamas

Was Hamas really created by Israel? That's the argument which is often made in good faith by re-visiting the Israeli dealings with the precursor to Hamas, known as the Mujamma al-Islammiyah, yet is an oversimplification of history . However, this assumption is rooted in some key misunderstandings about the Hamas origin story and is also why this argument is not often accepted by Palestinians who carry a greater understanding of the history. While some elements of the corporate media have attempted to paint war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu as being the “bad apple” in so-called Israel, the narrative that Hamas was created by “Israel” and sustained by the Israeli PM helps fuel this notion.
MintPress staff writer Robert Inlakesh debunks the myth that Hamas was a creation of “Israel.” While sweeping statements regarding the origins of Hamas miss nuance, a greater understanding of the national liberation movement of the Palestinians fills in the gaps.
Parts 2 and 3 down below…